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 Here are the top results:

Java & Eclipse IDE Summary

Learn Java quickly by watching this video to the very end. If you do, you will walk away as a better java programmer :) Here's how to learn java in 13 minutes, for beginners. I've been prog...

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Coding Classes

Coding skills have never been more in-demand. Learn everything you need to take your career to the next level. Learn how to code or build your skills in programming online to gain a bette...



Introduction and Installing the java (JDK) Step by Step Tutorial

Java Tutorial For Beginners 1 - Introduction and Installing the java (JDK) Step by Step Tutorial The goal of this course is to provide you with a working knowledge of Java applications. We'l...

Video Lesson


Installing & Setting up Eclipse IDE for Java Development

In this video you will learn how to Install Eclipse IDE and Setting up Eclipse. Installing the Eclipse Plugin. In this videoyou will learn How to Install The Latest Eclipse in Windows 10 or...

Video Lesson


Programming Languages

Focus on 5 Programming Languages and contructs




We pride in having 12 mentors with diverse specializations



Kids Coding Lessons

Learning to code at a young age provides kids and teens with more future opportunities. Programming helps children learn to problem-solve. We have built a full-fledged codi...



Coding Inspiration Lessons

Want to be inspired to code? Check out these lessons



Why should you learn Coding or Computer Science

What Most Schools Don't Teach Learn about a new 'superpower' that isn't being taught in 90% of US schools. Starring Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg,, Chris Bosh, Jack Dorse...

Video Lesson


Learn Coding From Home

Location is not a barrier- all sessions are online. with your Computer,smartphones and access to internet you can learn from anywhere in the world.



Kids Too Can Code

Do you want your kids to be part of the future programmers that will be providing solutions to identified problems through computer codes? why don't you get started



A positive learning community

Having a community to interact with and share your ideas with is a great tool to exelling in your coding career.No hassle, we have the best community for you



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