Kids Coding Lessons

  1. What is Programming?
  2. How Computers Work: Hardware and Software
  3. How Computers Work: Binary & Data
  4. Understanding Cloud operations What is Cloud?
  5. Computer Basics: Understanding Applications
  6. Computer Science Basics: Programming Languages
  7. Making drawings with code | Computer Programming | Khan Academy
  8. Drawing more shapes with code | Computer Programming
  9. Introduction and Installing the java (JDK) Step by Step Tutorial
  10. Installing & Setting up Eclipse IDE for Java Development
  11. Java & Eclipse IDE Summary
  12. HTML Lessons on FreeCodeCamp
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Learning to code at a young age provides kids and teens with more future opportunities. Programming helps children learn to problem-solve. We have built a full-fledged coding curriculum for kids from age 5. Kindergartners can learn basic programming logic and build from there so that by the time they're in fifth grade, they're writing JavaScript code.

Video Lesson

How Computers Work: Hardware and Software

Take a peak into the relationship between software and the hardware it controls.

4 yrs ago Posted By Ayoola Falola2014 views0 downloads0 plays Share
Video Lesson

How Computers Work: Binary & Data

You'll hear that everything's '1s and 0s' in a computer, but what does that mean? Find out how computers represent numbers, words, images, and sound.

4 yrs ago Posted By Ayoola Falola684 views0 downloads0 plays Share
Video Lesson

Computer Science Basics: Programming Languages

We use computers every day, but how often do we stop and think, "How do they do what they do?" This video series explains some of the core concepts behind computer science.

4 yrs ago Posted By Ayoola Falola516 views0 downloads0 plays Share
Video Lesson

Drawing more shapes with code | Computer Programming

  Learn how to draw rectangles and lines with code (JavaScript and ProcessingJS).

4 yrs ago Posted By Ayoola Falola665 views0 downloads0 plays Share

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