Coding Corner

Why Should You Have a Coding Mentor?



In the era we are in now, the problem is not about getting information, all the information you might need are out there on the internet, your only job is to pick your phone, put on your data connection and surf. The major problem anyone surfing for information online will face is the ability to filter the information.

Coding can be challenging, especially to beginners. Having a more experienced guide who has overcome the same problems you’re facing provides an inspiring example to follow. They can be a treasure trove of useful tips — on coding, and on navigating a career path in the tech industry.

Here are a few reasons a great development mentor can be a vital asset for you in your programming journey:

  • Mentors can help you achieve your goals easier and faster. With their experience and exposure, they know what’s worth learning and what you can let go.
  • Great mentors know how to give their mentee the necessary push. The learning approach needs to fit the student’s needs and education level. If what a development mentor teaches you is too easy, you’ll perceive the process of learning as irrelevant, easy and boring. On the other hand, if the content is way over your level, you’re likely to get frustrated and discouraged to the point of giving up. A good mentor can hit the sweet spot for the experience to be both challenging and satisfying.
  • Mentors who are where you want to go can inspire you to get there. Whether it’s their level of expertise or their role in your dream company, the fact that they achieved what you’re after is inspiring because they’re living proof that your goals can become a reality. They’re in the best position to show you the roadmap.
  • Mentors for each step in your career fast-track your professional growth. Likely, you won’t need just one development mentor in your professional life. When you’re at the very start, you might need a programmer who’s more experienced than you. You might need an experienced programmer when you’ve found your first programming job. Maybe you’ll need another mentor to help you with your career journey. Having the right person to give you the right kind of help will improve your chances of success significantly. It will also enable you to get where you want to go in less time than it otherwise would if you were on your own.


Things a Good Development Mentor Can Do with You

A good mentor can do a lot in your career life, and every of the mentor’s action help reshapes you and prepare you for challenges to come. Some of the things a good mentor can do for you are listed;

  • Set aside time to respond to your challenges when you need help
  • Doing some coding review with you
  • Send you some resources based on your skillset, level of expertise and career needs
  • Recommend learning paths, books and articles
  • Carry out live coding sessions
  • Discuss trending technologies, programming languages, frameworks and so on
  • Help you lay your career path
  • Help you stay focused and motivated

Having a good mentor could help you accomplish your professional goals faster and boost your confidence a thousand time. The cool thing about Coding mentorship is that just like the actual work, it can be done anywhere. Finding a well-structured mentorship program is not easy unless you are with a company that has it.

We at COMERIVER CODING CLUB offers well-structured coding classes and mentorship programs




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